[rtcweb] Draft agenda for IETF 87

Ted Hardie <ted.ietf@gmail.com> Thu, 11 July 2013 16:51 UTC

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Cc: Cullen Jennings <fluffy@cisco.com>
Subject: [rtcweb] Draft agenda for IETF 87
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Below is an initial draft agenda for the upcoming meeting.   Since we have
not yet reached the draft deadline (which is the 15th), there may be new
drafts or updates that result in changes.  We did already receive requests
for NAT/Firewall traversal discussion, and the chairs will be working with
the document authors to get them considered in the appropriate groups.

As folks have probably noticed, we are meeting Thursday and Friday, after
the MMUSIC sessions are complete (they are Tuesday and Wednesday). This
should allow us to discuss the results on our first day.

Please send feedback or change proposals to the list.


Ted and Cullen

Day 1:

Should SDES be part of  WebRTC security practice and, if so, how?
Presentations: 30 minutes
Discussion:  40 minutes

Post-Plan A/Plan B MMUSIC discussion of impact to RTCWEB documents
Presentation: 30 minutes
Discussion: 30 minutes

Security document updates
Presentation: 10 minutes
Discussion: 10 minutes

Day 2:

Chair Discussion:  10 minutes

Use Case Requirements updates:
Issues list presentation: 20 minutes
Discussion: 20 minutes

Data channel:
Issues list presentation:  45 minutes
Discussion: 45 minutes