Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND
Erik Nordmark <> Wed, 22 January 2014 22:03 UTC
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Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 14:00:05 -0800
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Subject: Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND
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On 1/22/14 1:52 PM, Ole Troan wrote: > Erik, > >>>> One of your "yes please" below is a change to ND - Andrew's b) about >>>> restarting RS would require a (small) standards update. >>>> >>>> >>>> We should try to get that into draft-6man-resilient-rs. >>>> >>>> It seems to be out of scope for the problem resilent-rs set out to solve which was loss issues for the initial RS. It might not be wise to expand that drafts scope to also cover (part of) efficient-nd. >>> >>> the abstract has the following text: >>> "Furthermore, on some links, unsolicited multicast >>> Router Advertisements are never sent and the mechanism in this >>> document is intended to work even in such scenarios." >> >> I think that text can be read in different ways. >> >> One way is within the scope of the initial configuration (which is what the RSs are for) is robust even if there are no unsolicited multicast RAs. >> >> Another way is that the document intended to get rid of the need for unsolicited multicast RAs. >> >> Based on the title, name, and content of the document, my conclusion is that the first reading is much more accurate. > > the first reading implies that the host looses connectivity after router lifetime seconds. > "never sent" doesn't leave much room for interpretation. That would only be true if resilent-rs claims that no periodic unsolicited RAs are needed. I don't see any such text in the protocol specification in that draft (section 2-4). The introductory text talks about scenarios, and perhaps that scenario text doesn't match what the proposed protocol actually does? Thus the document needs to be more clear. Regards, Erik
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Andrew 👽 Yourtchenko
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Andrew 👽 Yourtchenko
- Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Tim Chown
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Don Sturek
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND cb.list6
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Rajiv Asati (rajiva)
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Andrew 👽 Yourtchenko
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Ole Troan
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Ole Troan
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Ole Troan
- Fwd: Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Ole Troan
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Ole Troan
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Warren Kumari
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Carsten Bormann
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- RE: Reducing the battery impact of ND Hemant Singh (shemant)
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Doug Barton
- RE: Reducing the battery impact of ND ek
- RE: Reducing the battery impact of ND Hemant Singh (shemant)
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND joel jaeggli
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Warren Kumari
- RE: Reducing the battery impact of ND Hemant Singh (shemant)
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Fernando Gont