Re: [DNSOP] Draft for dynamic discovery of secure resolvers

Doug Barton <> Wed, 22 August 2018 03:03 UTC

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Subject: Re: [DNSOP] Draft for dynamic discovery of secure resolvers
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On 08/21/2018 05:48 AM, Ted Lemon wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 12:59 AM, Doug Barton < 
> <>> wrote:
>     You, like Ted, are looking at the problem the wrong way 'round.
> And this, in a nutshell, is why this discussion has gone on so long.  
>   If you just caricature what the people you're conversing with say, 
> then it's inevitably going to go like this:

[ Snipped a bunch of arguments I didn't make ]

> This is why discussions balloon in the IETF.   So now I have the choice 
> of either being silenced, or continuing to be Person A in this charade.  
>   I think I've spoken my peace.   If you want to proceed with this work, 
> please do not be surprised if, when the call for adoption comes, I come 
> in and say "I raised substantive objections to this, which were not 
> addressed, so please do not take this on as a working group item."


While I'm not concerned about the issues you raised in your caricature, 
I feel that I have tried to engage you in your discussion of different 
security models. My understanding is that your models devolve down to 
two. Either the user configures a resolver themselves (whether it's 
DOH/DOT or not), and user doesn't configure a resolver themselves. I 
recognize the distinction you made between your models 1 and 3, and 
further recognize that it's extremely important to some people. My point 
is that *from the standpoint of a DHCP option for DOH/DOT* it's not 

 From our discussion, it seems that you're in agreement with me that if 
a user isn't configuring a resolver explicitly that they are no worse 
off with DOH/DOT than they are without it. Am I right so far?

Meanwhile, you've also voiced an opinion that the presence of a DHCP 
option implies some sort of endorsement by the IETF. I (and others) 
replied that we've never heard of this, and disagree strongly with your 

So other than the fact that we disagree on the endorsement issue, what 
am I missing here?
