Re: [DNSOP] Draft for dynamic discovery of secure resolvers

Doug Barton <> Sun, 19 August 2018 16:43 UTC

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Subject: Re: [DNSOP] Draft for dynamic discovery of secure resolvers
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On 08/18/2018 06:08 PM, Ted Lemon wrote:
> The thing is that most devices don't connect to just one network.   So 
> while your devices on your network can certainly trust port 853 on your 
> network, when they roam to other networks, they have no reason to trust 
> it.   If you have devices that never roam to other networks, that's 
> fine, but we have to design for the more general case.   There's no way 
> with DHCP for the device to tell that it's connected to a particular 
> network, other than matching IP addresses, which isn't a great idea.


I'd like to turn your question back to you. What threat model are you 
protecting the user from by not allowing a DHCP option to use a DOH or 
DOT server?

It seems to me that in the overwhelming majority of cases (near 100%) 
the user is going to get their local resolver from the DHCP server, 
whether they are on a trusted network (like work or home), or roaming at 
Eve's Coffee Shop.

So either you have a sophisticated user who has preconfigured their own 
resolver and ignores the DHCP setting, or you have the typical user who 
doesn't understand how any of this stuff works, and therefore has 
implicit "trust" regarding the local network and the settings from the 
DHCP server.

Given that (and feel free to tell me if I've missed something), what 
harm can come to the user if the resolver that they are already trusting 
can also be accessed over DOH or DOT?
