Re: [DNSOP] Expiration impending: <draft-jabley-dnssec-trust-anchor-11.txt>

Jakob Schlyter <> Mon, 05 October 2015 13:32 UTC

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Subject: Re: [DNSOP] Expiration impending: <draft-jabley-dnssec-trust-anchor-11.txt>
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On 5 okt. 2015, at 15:08, Paul Hoffman <> wrote:

>> As far as I'm aware, the document does document current practice.
> It does not. It describes a mixture of some of the current practice and some aspirational hopes for how things might be done. Further, it is incomplete in many aspects.

If it is incomplete, we need to fix that.

> The document goes well beyond describing the files, and this is where it fails. Further, the files are not the only way that the trust anchor is published, so the document is fairly incomplete.

Trust anchors may be published in other ways, but IMHO that is out of scope for this document. As far as I know, IANA does not published the trust anchor in other ways.

"This document describes the distribution of the DNSSEC trust anchors
 from IANA.  This document is concerned only with the distribution of
 trust anchors for the root zone, although the data formats and the
 publication and retrieval methods described here can be adapted for
 other uses."

> If it is not up for discussion, then the document should not be progressed in the IETF at all. Instead, the description of the ICANN's publication methodology should be published by ICANN.

The file formats are not up for discussion, as existing implementations depend on them. The description on how to interpret the contents are of course up for discussion. I'm just saying we need to be careful what we change, if we choose to change things that's been in production for over 5 years.

> This WG should instead consider a very different document: how the IETF thinks that the DNSSEC trust anchors should be published in order to help DNS operators. Joe Abley has an expired (?) draft on this topic. A discussion of what ICANN and others should do for publication seems quite relevant to the aims of this WG.

Although I agree with that, I still find it useful to publish this draft as document how things are done today. If the world did not use the published trust anchors as designed, that is (to some extent) failure. Still, it documents (or apparently tries to) the plan as it were back in 2010.
