[Pearg] Virtual interim on IP address privacy - Tuesday 19th Jan @ 20:00 UTC

Sara Dickinson <sara@sinodun.com> Mon, 18 January 2021 11:12 UTC

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Subject: [Pearg] Virtual interim on IP address privacy - Tuesday 19th Jan @ 20:00 UTC
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Hi All, 

A reminder that the PEARG Interim is tomorrow (Tuesday 19th) 20:00-22:00 UTC. 

Agenda is here: 

Details for joining the meeting via Webex are here: 

If we have a volunteer for a note taker, please email: pearg-chairs@ietf.org

Best regards


> On 24 Dec 2020, at 15:45, Christopher Wood <caw@heapingbits.net> wrote:
> Based on the Doodle poll, it looks like January 19 from 12-2pm PST works best for most folks. A draft agenda is below:
>   https://github.com/IRTF-PEARG/wg-materials/blob/master/interim-21-01/agenda.md
> Depending on how much discussion follows each presentation, we may need to consider a followup meeting.
> We'll send out meeting logistic information as soon as we have it.
> Best,
> Chris, for the chairs
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2020, at 9:23 AM, Christopher Wood wrote:
>> The PEARG chairs would like to propose a virtual interim on the topic 
>> of IP address privacy. 
>> IP address uses: 
>> - Spam, abuse, fraud, DoS protection
>> - Geo IP
>> - Ad targeting
>> - ... others?
>> Privacy attacks:
>> - IP re-identification
>> - IP-based fingerprinting
>> IP hiding or blindness:
>> - VPNs (and related technologies like Firefox Private Network)
>> - Willful IP Blindness (https://github.com/bslassey/ip-blindness)
>> The format of this would be presentation-based, though we might turn it 
>> into a workshop of sorts if folks think that would be more useful.
>> We are aiming for some time in early December or January. We'd like to 
>> hear from folks here if they'd be interested in attending such an 
>> interim, and if so, whether they'd like to contribute to the agenda. Of 
>> course, suggestions to alter the agenda are also welcome!
>> Best,
>> Chris, on behalf of the chairs
> -- 
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> Pearg@irtf.org
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