Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Spin per peer (#1982)

Christian Huitema <> Fri, 09 November 2018 02:25 UTC

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From: Christian Huitema <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Spin per peer (#1982)
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huitema commented on this pull request.

-When the spin bit is disabled, endpoints SHOULD set the spin bit value to zero,
+The selection process SHOULD be designed such that
+on average the spin bit is disabled for at least 1/8th of the connections, or
+1/8th of the paths when doing migrations. The random choice SHOULD be dependent
+on the address of the peer, so that the spin bit is consistently enables or
+disabled for repeated connections to the same address.

The goal here is to provide an anonymity set for client/servers when the RTT would reveal the presence of a VPN or proxy. These clients and servers will disable the spin bit when talking to each other. The adversary will observe that the spin bit is never set for the corresponding 5 tuple. My goal is to specify a masking behavior in which "non hiding" clients also never set the spin bit for a few 5-tuples.

In the case of multiplexed use of a 5 tuple, I actually like the global on-off switch. It matches the style of anonymity set that we want.

And, yes, I should add the source address in the mix. 

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