Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Spin per peer (#1982)

Brad Lassey <> Thu, 29 November 2018 21:01 UTC

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From: Brad Lassey <>
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Message-ID: <quicwg/base-drafts/pull/1982/review/>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Spin per peer (#1982)
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bslassey commented on this pull request.

> @@ -235,12 +235,23 @@ Implementations SHOULD allow administrators of clients and servers to disable
 the spin bit either globally or on a per-connection basis.
 Even when the spin bit is not disabled by the administrator implementations
 SHOULD disable the spin bit on a randomly chosen
-fraction of connections.  The selection process should be designed such that
-on average the spin bit is disabled for at least 1/8th of the connections.
-When the spin bit is disabled, endpoints SHOULD set the spin bit value to zero,
-regardless of the values received from their peer. Addendums or revisions to
-this document MAY define alternative behaviors in the future.
+fraction of connections.
+The selection process SHOULD be designed such that

One of the main concerns seems to be that an network could discriminate against a client that doesn't spin. For that reason, I think we should specify that an implementation that does spin should not spin for some percentage of clients. 

The selection process SHOULD be designed such that on average the spin
bit is disabled for at least one eighth of clients regardless of destination.
The selection process SHOULD be externally unpredictable but consistent for
any given client. For instance, the implementation might have a static key which
it uses to key a pseudorandom function over these values and use the output to 
determine whether to send the spin bit. The selection process performed for the first
connection on a given network and SHOULD be consistent for all subsequent 
connections on that network.

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