Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Spin per peer (#1982)

Christian Huitema <> Tue, 27 November 2018 16:37 UTC

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From: Christian Huitema <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Spin per peer (#1982)
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huitema commented on this pull request.

> @@ -239,14 +239,17 @@ fraction of connections.
 The selection process SHOULD be designed such that
 on average the spin bit is disabled for at least one eighth of network paths.
-The random choice SHOULD be dependent
-on the source and destination addresses of the path,
-so that the spin bit is consistently enabled or
-disabled for repeated use of the same path.
+The selection process SHOULD be externally unpredictable but consistent for
+any given combination of source and destination address/port. For instance,
+the implementation might have a static key which it uses to key a pseudorandom
+function over these values and use the output to determine whether to
+send the spin bit. The selection process performed at the beginning
+of the connection SHOULD be applied for all paths used by the connection.

The question is what to do when a connection migrates to multiple path. There are two options: make a global decision to spin or not for the duration of the connection; or, make an independent decision to spin or not for each path. The text here intend to say, make a global decision.  

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