[secdir] SECDIR review of draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key-31
Stephen Kent <kent@bbn.com> Tue, 02 September 2014 20:09 UTC
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Bottom Line: This needs work before it's ready for publication. I encountered many examples of confusing wording, some of which I fixed; others can be fixed based on my comments. I also found some worrisome requirements that need more careful evaluation: A MUST that probably is a SHOULD, alternatives to using an IANA registry (without a rationale for such an option, etc.). This document is part of a series from the JOSE WG, defining formats and procedures for using JSON to convey keys, encrypted, authenticated, and/or signed data. This document focuses on keys. A significant portion (about 50%) of the document is devoted to appendices, several of which provide detailed examples of JOSE headers conveying key material. I am not knowledgeable about JSON. I anticipate that the intended audience for the doc is. So, I started by jumping to the Security Considerations section. This section addresses several good topics, but the wording is very awkward in places. For example, the section begins by saying: All of the security issues that are pertinent to any cryptographic application must be addressed by JWS/JWE/JWK agents.Among these issues are protecting the user's asymmetric private and symmetric secret keys, preventing various attacks, and helping avoid mistakes such as inadvertently encrypting a message to the wrong recipient. Many attacks cannot be prevented; one can employ countermeasures so that the attacks are not successful, but that's not what the text says.Also, helping avoid a mistake such as sending an encrypted message to the wring recipient is a laudable goal, but it seems like a poor example for this document (and it is likely to be impossible in many cases). Another questionable example appears at the beginning of 9.1: One should place no more trust in the data associated with a key than in than the method by which it was obtained and in the trustworthiness of the entity asserting an association with the key. Even removing the apparently redundant "than in" this sounds like advice spoken by Yoda. It's not clear whether the author is referring to the data about a key, vs. data decrypted or authenticated using a key. This point needs to be made more clearly. Section 9.2 discusses the importance of protecting private and symmetric keys. It says: Private and symmetric keys MUST be protected from disclosure to unintended parties.One recommended means of doing so is to encrypt JWKs or JWK Sets containing them by using the JWK or JWK Set value as the plaintext of a JWE. The wording above is needlessly awkward. Nonetheless, this says that key sets containing symmetric or private keys should be encrypted by embedding them in another JSON crypto format (JWE). It would be nice to add that this implies a that there is secure way to deliver the needed decryption key for the JWE, else this recommendation just adds a layer of indirection, and does not solve the problem. Section 9.3 discusses a countermeasure against a specific attack on RSA key use. This seems unduly narrow, since this spec is intended for use with RSA, DH, DSS, and ECDH keys. Why devote a long paragraph to this one issue, while saying nothing about equally serious concerns that arise for other algorithms? Returning to the body of the document, I noticed an awkward sentence in the introduction: Goals for this specification do not include representing new kinds of certificate chains, representing new kinds of certified keys, or replacing X.509 certificates. This seems like an arbitrary set of non-goals. Perhaps the JOSE WG discussions prompted this declaration. If so, more text to establish that context would be helpful. The example that comprises Section 3 should include an explanation of the parameters, else it's not a great example. Section 4 starts with awkward wording, to wit: In addition to the common parameters, each JWK will have members that are specific to the kind of key being represented.These members represent the parameters of the key. The reuse of the word "parameters" in the two sentences above creates an apparent conflict: How about: In addition to the common parameters, each JWK will have members that are algorithm-specific. This section imposes a rather wimpy constraint on parameter names: The member names within a JWK MUST be unique; recipients MUST either reject JWKs with duplicate member names or use a JSON parser that returns only the lexically last duplicate member name, as specified in Section 15.12 (The JSON Object) of ECMAScript 5.1 [ECMAScript]. This text says that member names MUST be unique, but if they are not, that's OK too; just use the last instance of a member with a duplicate name. This seems like a terrible design principle. It imposes what appears to be a requirement, then says how to accommodate data structures that fail to meet the requirement. This would seem to encourage sloppy implementations (for JWK generation). I'd like to see the rationale for this. The next paragraph defines a rather wimpy requirement: Member names used for representing key parameters for different keys [sic] types need not be distinct.Any new member name should either be registered in the IANA JSON Web Key Parameters registry defined in Section 8.1 or be a value that contains a Collision-Resistant Name. The text should include a pointer to the definition of "Collision-Resistant Name in the JWS doc (or add it to the terminology section here), to make this requirement less mysterious. The term is used extensively in this section. Since it is repeatedly offered as an alternative to IANA registration of a member name; I examined the definition in the JWS document, to discover what a C-R name is. The definition there emphasizes examples, one of which ensure uniqueness (OIDs) but the other, despite its name, does not. The text here should explain why using a C-R name is a good alternative to the use of am IANA registry and thus when use a C-R name is a good idea. In 4.2, the description of the "use" member, due to its name, creates a lot of awkward sentences. These can (and should) be fixed. For example: Use of the "use" member is OPTIONAL, unless the application requires its presence. can become: The "use" member need not be present in a JWK, unless the application consuming the JWK requires it. This section says that a use type of enc SHOULD be employed when describing public keys used for key agreement. The use of SHOULD here raises the obvious question: When is it OK to not employ that use value for a key agreement key? The mysterious SHOULD noted above is followed by an even more mysterious parenthetical statement: (The "alg" member can be used to specify the particular cryptographic operation to be performed, when desired.) This comment conveys no clear meaning in this context, especially since the alg parameter not is defined until 4.4. Section 4.5 defines the key_ops parameter. It's not clear how this parameters and "use" relate. There is also an odd sentence at the end of the first paragraph: The "key_ops" parameter is intended for use cases in which public, private, or symmetric keys may be present. This seems to encompass all of the types of keys that JWK carries, so the sentence seems to add no useful qualification for when this parameter is intended to be used. I am sorry to see this document defining "sign" as an operation that refers to both signatures and MACs. The IETF has done a disservice to the community by using the term "signature" to refer to message authentication codes in several RFCs. The text notes that the values for this parameter match those used in the Web Crypto API, a W3C document for key usage; this is true. However, I examined that document and found 35 instances of the term "signature." Only about 3 of these refer to a MAC vs. a digital signature. I also note that the cited document is not yet final, as per the W3C web site. Maybe it's not too late to fix this. The list of key_ops values is followed by this text: Other values MAY be used.Key operation values can be registered in the IANA JSON Web Key Operations registry defined in Section 8.3. The key operation values are case-sensitive strings. The text says that it's OK to use values not in the list, and one "can" register new values, but, why bother? This seems to be a questionable approach to extensibility, one that could easily cause confusion when non-registered values are employed. The editor should explain why this approach is a good one. Section 4.4 presents another register the parameter, or not, choice. Same comments as above. This parameter is cited as optional; this merits an explanation, since one can imagine a lot of bad outcomes if the algorithm is not identified. The description of kid in 4.5 says: The "kid" (key ID) member can be used to match a specific key. What else would a key ID be used for? In 4.6 there is a very confusing statement: While there is no requirement that members other than those representing the public key be populated when an "x5u" member is present, doing so may improve interoperability for applications that do not handle PKIX certificates. This assertion, in addition to being an overly-long sentence, begs for an explanation. The parameter is a pointer to an X.509 cert, so how will its inclusion "improve interoperability" for an application that does not handle such certs? It also is confusing that this parameter can point to either a single cert or a cert chain, and the x5c parameter points to a chain, or a single cert. Why are there two different parameters? Is it just an encoding difference? If so, more descriptive names ought to be used for these two parameters. This section ends with an odd statement: Similarly, if the "alg" member is present, it should represent an algorithm that the certificate allows. A cert always specifies the algorithm with which the public key in the cert is to be used. So the term "allows" above is odd, at best. Section 4.7 includes inaccurate terminology. It says: This MAY be followed by additional certificates, with each subsequent certificate being the one used to certify the previous one. Replace "certify" with "validate." Also, the name seems misleading since the chain MAY contain additional certs, and hence may not be a chain at all! Section 4.8 refers to a "thumbprint" of a certificate, and describes it informally as a "digest." The more common technical term is a one-way hash. Thumbprint seems to be a Microsoft term; "fingerprint" strikes me as more common. The text here, and in 4.9 should point to Appendix C of the JWS document, where the base64URL encoding is defined. That document should note that the appendix is normative. Section 5 again repeats the semi-requirement description of name uniqueness that appeared at the beginning of Section 4. The same comments apply here, as there. Section 7 begins with a rather wordy statement: Access to JWKs containing non-public key material by parties without legitimate access to the non-public information MUST be prevented. This can be accomplished by encrypting the JWK when potentially observable by such parties to prevent the disclosure of private or symmetric key values. The use of an Encrypted JWK, which is a JWE with the UTF-8 encoding of a JWK as its plaintext value, is recommended for this purpose. How about a simpler way to say this: When private or symmetric keys are transported by JWK, the confidentiality of these keys MUST be ensured. It is RECOMMENDED that confidentiality be provided by encrypting the JWK when the data might be observable by unauthorized parties. This section then goes on to say: A "cty" (content type) Header Parameter value of "jwk+json" MUST be used to indicate that the content of the JWE is a JWK, unless the application knows that the encrypted content is a JWK by another means or convention, in which case the "cty" value would typically be omitted. Given the rather large loopholes here, this sounds more like a SHOULD, followed by a description of exception conditions, rather than a MUST. Section 8 (IANA Considerations) establishes a two-week review period for creating new (IANA) registry items. This seems too short; some people take multi-week vacations. I note that the same text appears in the JWS and JWE documents. Typo: Criteria that should be applied by the Designated Expert(s) includes Should be: Criteria that should be applied by the Designated Expert(s) *include* I did not review all of the initial registry content defined in 8.1.2, 8.2.2, 8.3.2, or 8.4.2. The Appendices appear to be informative; they should be labeled as such. I did not review the context of the Appendices. But, I did note the following: In C.2, the text says: othe Plaintext is encrypted using the AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 algorithm to produce the Ciphertext The algorithms described here (AES 128 in CBC mode, plus an HMAC computed using SHA-256) provide both encryption and integrity. Thus it may be confusing to refer to this as only "encryption." I also note that the algorithms (algorithm suites) used in the examples in the appendices lack citations to documents that define these algorithms.
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
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- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
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- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
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- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments (fwd) Samuel Weiler
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- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
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- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
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- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Polk, William T.
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Alexey Melnikov
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
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- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
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- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Ondřej Surý
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Leif Johansson
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Sam Hartman
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Richard L. Barnes
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Alexey Melnikov
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] Assignments Samuel Weiler
- [secdir] review of draft-ietf-httpbis-p7-auth-20 Stephen Kent
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Leif Johansson
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Paul Hoffman
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Leif Johansson
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Ben Laurie
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Stephen Farrell
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Ben Laurie
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Derek Atkins
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Stephen Farrell
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Moriarty, Kathleen
- Re: [secdir] rtg area wiki v. sec area Stephen Farrell
- Re: [secdir] rtg area wiki v. sec area Klaas Wierenga (kwiereng)
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] SECDIR review of draft-ietf-jose-json-we… Stephen Kent
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Stephen Farrell
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Chris Inacio
- Re: [secdir] Assignments Moriarty, Kathleen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen
- [secdir] Assignments Tero Kivinen