[secdir] Recheck on draft-ietf-netconf-4741bis-09//RE: Assignments

Tina Tsou <tena@huawei.com> Thu, 03 March 2011 18:30 UTC

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Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 10:31:18 -0800
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Subject: [secdir] Recheck on draft-ietf-netconf-4741bis-09//RE: Assignments
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I rechecked draft-ietf-netconf-4741bis-09, only one more comment:

Why <get-config> is deleted from figure 1 compared with RFC4741? 
              Layer                      Example 
         +-------------+      +-----------------------------+ 
     (4) |   Content   |      |     Configuration data      | 
         +-------------+      +-----------------------------+ 
                |                           | 
         +-------------+      +-----------------------------+ 
     (3) | Operations  |      | <get-config>, <edit-config> | 
         +-------------+      +-----------------------------+ 
                |                           | 
         +-------------+      +-----------------------------+ 
     (2) |     RPC     |      |    <rpc>, <rpc-reply>       | 
         +-------------+      +-----------------------------+ 
                |                           | 
         +-------------+      +-----------------------------+ 
     (1) |  Transport  |      |   BEEP, SSH, SSL, console   | 
         |   Protocol  |      |                             | 
         +-------------+      +-----------------------------+ 

            Layer                 Example 
       +-------------+      +-----------------+      +----------------+ 
   (4) |   Content   |      |  Configuration  |      |  Notification  | 
       |             |      |      data       |      |      data      | 
       +-------------+      +-----------------+      +----------------+ 
              |                       |                      | 
       +-------------+      +-----------------+              | 
   (3) | Operations  |      |  <edit-config>  |              | 
       |             |      |                 |              | 
       +-------------+      +-----------------+              | 
              |                       |                      | 
       +-------------+      +-----------------+      +----------------+ 
   (2) |  Messages   |      |     <rpc>,      |      | <notification> | 
       |             |      |   <rpc-reply>   |      |                | 
       +-------------+      +-----------------+      +----------------+ 
              |                       |                      | 
       +-------------+      +-----------------------------------------+ 
   (1) |   Secure    |      |  SSH, TLS, BEEP/TLS, SOAP/HTTP/TLS, ... | 
       | Transports  |      |                                         | 
       +-------------+      +-----------------------------------------+

We keep our promises with one another - no matter what!

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: secdir-bounces@ietf.org [mailto:secdir-bounces@ietf.org] On Behalf Of
Samuel Weiler
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 3:57 AM
To: secdir@ietf.org
Subject: [secdir] Assignments

Review instructions and related resources are at:

Hilarie Orman is next in the rotation.

For telechat 2011-03-03

Reviewer                 LC end     Draft
Rob Austein            T 2011-02-16 draft-ietf-netconf-rfc4742bis-07
Alan DeKok             T 2011-03-01 draft-ietf-hip-over-hip-05
Donald Eastlake        T 2011-03-01 draft-ietf-6lowpan-usecases-09
Tobias Gondrom         T 2011-03-01 draft-ietf-hip-cert-09
Love Hornquist-Astrand T 2011-02-21
Russ Mundy             T 2011-02-17 draft-ietf-speermint-voipthreats-07
Tina TSOU              TR2011-02-07 draft-ietf-netconf-4741bis-09
Sam Weiler             TR2011-02-21 draft-ietf-sipcore-199-05
Sam Weiler             T 2011-02-16 draft-ietf-hokey-ldn-discovery-06
Glen Zorn              T 2011-02-10 draft-ietf-shim6-multihome-shim-api-16

For telechat 2011-03-17

Jeffrey Hutzelman      T 2011-03-09 draft-zhu-mobility-survey-03
Catherine Meadows      T 2011-03-09 draft-ietf-ancp-protocol-15
Kathleen Moriarty      T 2011-03-11
Magnus Nystrom         T 2011-02-23
Magnus Nystrom         T 2011-03-10 draft-ietf-ipsecme-failure-detection-05
Carl Wallace           TR2011-02-22 draft-herzog-setkey-03

For telechat 2011-04-14

Sandy Murphy           T 2011-03-23 draft-kanno-tls-camellia-00

Last calls and special requests:

Dave Cridland            2011-02-21 draft-ietf-sidr-arch-12
Alan DeKok               2011-02-23 draft-ietf-isis-reg-purge-00
Shawn Emery              2011-02-21 draft-ietf-ecrit-phonebcp-16
Sam Hartman              2011-02-21 draft-ietf-sidr-res-certs-21
Love Hornquist-Astrand   2011-03-16 draft-yevstifeyev-tn3270-uri-16
Charlie Kaufman          2011-03-08
Scott Kelly              2011-03-18 draft-ietf-sipping-nat-scenarios-15
Tero Kivinen             2011-03-04 draft-ietf-xcon-common-data-model-23
Julien Laganier          2011-03-04 draft-ietf-xcon-examples-08
Matt Lepinski            2011-03-08 draft-ietf-dime-nat-control-07
Chris Lonvick           R2011-03-17 draft-giralt-schac-ns-04
David McGrew             -          draft-ietf-ecrit-framework-12
David McGrew             2011-03-03 draft-ietf-sidr-iana-objects-01
Russ Mundy               2011-01-04 draft-cardona-cablelabs-urn-05
Vincent Roca             2011-02-07 draft-reed-urn-dgiwg-02
Brian Weis               2011-03-02 draft-herzog-static-ecdh-05
Nico Williams            2011-01-14
Nico Williams            2011-02-09 draft-ietf-rmt-bb-fec-raptorq-04

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