[secdir] Assignments

Tero Kivinen <kivinen@iki.fi> Thu, 06 February 2014 11:31 UTC

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Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 13:31:03 +0200
From: Tero Kivinen <kivinen@iki.fi>
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Some reminders about the reviews. It would be nice if you would
classify your reviews with "Ready", "Has nits", "Has Issues", "Has
Serious Issues", "Not Ready". That would make it easier for me to put
that information in to the database.

Also if you are doing rereview (i.e. the assignment has R before the
date), that means that you have already reviewed the document earlier,
but there has been new version of the document since, and I didn't
easily see whether all your issues / nits were fixed, which means I
reassigned it for rereview. In that case it is just enough to see if
your issues have been fixed. Send the normal email (i.e. start new
thread, do not reply to anything) to the normal lists (secdir,
authors, iesg, etc) also for the rereviews, so I can mark them down to
the database.

For the early reviews (marked with E) there usually is some extra
information what kind of review is requested sent to you in separate
email. For the early reviews it would be nice to get some reviews
back, as the WG authors have specially asked for the reviews, so they
want to get the reviews back. There is still 4 outstanding early

Review instructions and related resources are at:

Yoav Nir is next in the rotation.

For telechat 2014-02-06

Reviewer                 LC end     Draft
Julien Laganier        T 2013-12-11 draft-ietf-stox-core-09
Ondrej Sury            T 2013-12-27 draft-ietf-tls-applayerprotoneg-04

For telechat 2014-02-20

Dorothy Gellert        T 2014-02-11 draft-housley-pkix-test-oids-00
Phillip Hallam-Baker   TR2014-02-04 draft-ietf-pcp-description-option-04
Phillip Hallam-Baker   T 2014-01-27 draft-ietf-qresync-rfc5162bis-10
Steve Hanna            TR2014-02-04 draft-ietf-pcp-nat64-prefix64-05
Steve Hanna            T 2014-01-28 draft-ietf-v6ops-nat64-experience-09
Kathleen Moriarty      TR2013-12-16 draft-ietf-opsec-vpn-leakages-03

Last calls and special requests:

Dave Cridland          E 2013-11-21 draft-dunbar-armd-arp-nd-scaling-practices-07
Jeffrey Hutzelman      E 2013-11-21 draft-ietf-drinks-spp-protocol-over-soap-05
Jeffrey Hutzelman        2014-02-04 draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-bytes-discarded-metric-01
Scott Kelly              2014-02-11 draft-ietf-pwe3-iccp-13
Tero Kivinen             2014-02-07 draft-ietf-manet-nhdp-olsrv2-tlv-extension-01
Warren Kumari            2014-02-12 draft-ietf-l3vpn-mldp-vrf-in-band-signaling-03
Julien Laganier        E 2013-11-21 draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning-09
Julien Laganier          2014-02-28 draft-fairhurst-ipdvb-ule-iana-05
Matt Lepinski            2014-02-28 draft-housley-pkix-oids-01
Chris Lonvick            2014-02-18 draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-unknown-msg-05
Catherine Meadows        2014-02-17 draft-ietf-dmm-requirements-14
Alexey Melnikov          2014-02-14 draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-mib-14
Adam Montville           2014-02-19 draft-ietf-storm-rdmap-ext-08
Kathleen Moriarty        2014-02-18 draft-ietf-tcpm-1323bis-19
Russ Mundy               2014-03-24 draft-mahalingam-dutt-dcops-vxlan-08
Sandy Murphy             2013-12-17 draft-ietf-netmod-iana-timezones-03
Sandy Murphy             2014-03-05 draft-melnikov-smime-msa-to-mda-02
Brian Weis             E 2014-01-16 draft-ietf-radext-dynamic-discovery-09
Glen Zorn                2013-08-30 draft-kaplan-insipid-session-id-03