[rtcweb] e= lines (Re: Summary of Application Developers' opinions ..)

Harald Alvestrand <harald@alvestrand.no> Thu, 18 July 2013 04:47 UTC

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Subject: [rtcweb] e= lines (Re: Summary of Application Developers' opinions ..)
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Matthew, thanks for sending 12 messages in 3 hours to the mailing list.

Just one point on which I corrected you before, but since I see you're
repeating it:

On 07/17/2013 11:58 PM, Matthew Kaufman (SKYPE) wrote:
> - What if someone adds an r= or p= or e=?

The code for handling an e= line has been in Chrome since a very early
You claimed in Lyon that you'd tested it and failed to have it parse,
but I never saw the test case; you may have inserted it into the wrong
place, rendering the SDP invalid.

The SDP specification is quite strict about the order of these fields,
exactly to make it simpler to write parsers.