Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 14 March 2008 04:55 UTC

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Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 00:53:01 -0400
From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Subject: Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org
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Total of 130 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Mar 14 00:53:01 EDT 2008
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
  3.85% |    5 |  5.41% |    52590 | dyork@voxeo.com
  3.85% |    5 |  4.69% |    45625 | ldondeti@qualcomm.com
  0.77% |    1 |  7.41% |    71996 | pesherb@yahoo.com
  3.08% |    4 |  4.82% |    46865 | pbaker@verisign.com
  3.85% |    5 |  3.54% |    34410 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  3.85% |    5 |  3.27% |    31812 | housley@vigilsec.com
  3.08% |    4 |  3.19% |    30993 | hardie@qualcomm.com
  3.08% |    4 |  2.69% |    26121 | harald@alvestrand.no
  3.08% |    4 |  2.15% |    20864 | tme@multicasttech.com
  2.31% |    3 |  2.34% |    22793 | john-ietf@jck.com
  2.31% |    3 |  2.19% |    21278 | joelja@bogus.com
  2.31% |    3 |  2.08% |    20257 | amorris@amsl.com
  2.31% |    3 |  2.06% |    19985 | elwynd@dial.pipex.com
  2.31% |    3 |  1.99% |    19318 | nobody@xyzzy.claranet.de
  1.54% |    2 |  2.68% |    26019 | fred@cisco.com
  2.31% |    3 |  1.76% |    17149 | jari.arkko@piuha.net
  2.31% |    3 |  1.68% |    16308 | patrik@frobbit.se
  2.31% |    3 |  1.54% |    14964 | iljitsch@muada.com
  1.54% |    2 |  1.83% |    17793 | gjshep@gmail.com
  1.54% |    2 |  1.75% |    16976 | olaf@nlnetlabs.nl
  1.54% |    2 |  1.72% |    16707 | spencer@wonderhamster.org
  1.54% |    2 |  1.66% |    16155 | jason_livingood@cable.comcast.com
  1.54% |    2 |  1.63% |    15822 | aboba@internaut.com
  1.54% |    2 |  1.60% |    15592 | avi@bridgewatersystems.com
  1.54% |    2 |  1.56% |    15119 | tim.polk@nist.gov
  1.54% |    2 |  1.54% |    14981 | narten@us.ibm.com
  0.77% |    1 |  2.28% |    22166 | adam@nostrum.com
  1.54% |    2 |  1.51% |    14678 | jeroen@unfix.org
  1.54% |    2 |  1.33% |    12900 | stefan.winter@restena.lu
  1.54% |    2 |  1.32% |    12848 | mat@cisco.com
  1.54% |    2 |  1.24% |    12051 | symondsthomp@gmail.com
  1.54% |    2 |  1.21% |    11716 | dhc2@dcrocker.net
  1.54% |    2 |  1.17% |    11383 | danny@tcb.net
  1.54% |    2 |  1.01% |     9771 | andy@hxr.us
  1.54% |    2 |  0.98% |     9500 | alexey.melnikov@isode.com
  0.77% |    1 |  1.04% |    10067 | stiemerling@nw.neclab.eu
  0.77% |    1 |  0.91% |     8822 | eric.gray@ericsson.com
  0.77% |    1 |  0.89% |     8674 | rpelletier@isoc.org
  0.77% |    1 |  0.86% |     8392 | hwzheng@huawei.com
  0.77% |    1 |  0.75% |     7292 | lisa@osafoundation.org
  0.77% |    1 |  0.66% |     6387 | sgundave@cisco.com
  0.77% |    1 |  0.66% |     6371 | rbarnes@bbn.com
  0.77% |    1 |  0.65% |     6343 | turners@ieca.com
  0.77% |    1 |  0.61% |     5943 | shanna@juniper.net
  0.77% |    1 |  0.61% |     5915 | amuhanna@nortel.com
  0.77% |    1 |  0.57% |     5526 | mark_andrews@isc.org
  0.77% |    1 |  0.55% |     5364 | parasane@gmail.com
  0.77% |    1 |  0.54% |     5220 | iesg@ietf.org
  0.77% |    1 |  0.54% |     5203 | donald.eastlake@motorola.com
  0.77% |    1 |  0.53% |     5175 | agmalis@gmail.com
  0.77% |    1 |  0.52% |     5093 | alexandru.petrescu@gmail.com
  0.77% |    1 |  0.52% |     5092 | peter@peter-dambier.de
  0.77% |    1 |  0.52% |     5073 | sm@resistor.net
  0.77% |    1 |  0.52% |     5071 | swb@employees.org
  0.77% |    1 |  0.51% |     4950 | rem@videolan.org
  0.77% |    1 |  0.51% |     4935 | alh-ietf@tndh.net
  0.77% |    1 |  0.48% |     4651 | tytso@mit.edu
  0.77% |    1 |  0.46% |     4498 | marc@let.de
  0.77% |    1 |  0.45% |     4399 | joao_damas@isc.org
  0.77% |    1 |  0.45% |     4358 | cabo@tzi.org
  0.77% |    1 |  0.45% |     4340 | drc@virtualized.org
  0.77% |    1 |  0.45% |     4338 | hartmans-ietf@mit.edu
  0.77% |    1 |  0.44% |     4285 | carl@media.org
  0.77% |    1 |  0.44% |     4278 | kurt.zeilenga@isode.com
  0.77% |    1 |  0.44% |     4258 | bortzmeyer@nic.fr
  0.77% |    1 |  0.44% |     4255 | adrian@olddog.co.uk
  0.77% |    1 |  0.42% |     4063 | julian.reschke@gmx.de
  0.77% |    1 |  0.42% |     4057 | d.giordano@fastpiu.it
  0.77% |    1 |  0.41% |     3974 | cos@aaaaa.org
100.00% |  130 |100.00% |   972167 | Total
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