Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 25 January 2013 05:53 UTC

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From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 00:53:03 -0500
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  1.03% |    1 | 25.97% |   295206 | bclaise@cisco.com
  5.15% |    5 |  4.19% |    47613 | stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie
  2.06% |    2 |  6.06% |    68919 | rjsparks@nostrum.com
  5.15% |    5 |  2.77% |    31495 | touch@isi.edu
  4.12% |    4 |  3.39% |    38512 | john-ietf@jck.com
  4.12% |    4 |  2.34% |    26567 | abdussalambaryun@gmail.com
  4.12% |    4 |  2.31% |    26302 | wjordan129@gmail.com
  4.12% |    4 |  2.22% |    25235 | cabo@tzi.org
  4.12% |    4 |  2.14% |    24365 | melinda.shore@gmail.com
  2.06% |    2 |  4.15% |    47135 | jeff.hodges@kingsmountain.com
  3.09% |    3 |  2.57% |    29240 | narten@us.ibm.com
  3.09% |    3 |  1.93% |    21972 | jeanjour@comcast.net
  3.09% |    3 |  1.70% |    19320 | joelja@bogus.com
  2.06% |    2 |  2.68% |    30464 | allison.mankin@gmail.com
  3.09% |    3 |  1.46% |    16546 | worley@ariadne.com
  1.03% |    1 |  2.75% |    31261 | adrian@olddog.co.uk
  2.06% |    2 |  1.66% |    18818 | peter@akayla.com
  2.06% |    2 |  1.47% |    16758 | ietf@shaftek.org
  2.06% |    2 |  1.41% |    16079 | daedulus@btconnect.com
  2.06% |    2 |  1.32% |    15055 | fgont@si6networks.com
  2.06% |    2 |  1.28% |    14544 | dean.willis@softarmor.com
  2.06% |    2 |  1.12% |    12674 | dwm@xpasc.com
  2.06% |    2 |  1.11% |    12614 | hannes.tschofenig@gmx.net
  2.06% |    2 |  1.02% |    11578 | johnl@taugh.com
  2.06% |    2 |  0.96% |    10862 | dot@dotat.at
  1.03% |    1 |  1.51% |    17218 | mattmathis@google.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.96% |    10952 | elwynd@dial.pipex.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.95% |    10828 | ron.even.tlv@gmail.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.92% |    10419 | john@jlc.net
  1.03% |    1 |  0.88% |    10016 | akatlas@gmail.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.87% |     9939 | hsantos@isdg.net
  1.03% |    1 |  0.82% |     9346 | jgunn6@csc.com
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  1.03% |    1 |  0.78% |     8849 | dromasca@avaya.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.78% |     8814 | cpignata@cisco.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.69% |     7891 | lars@netapp.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.69% |     7799 | randy_presuhn@mindspring.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.67% |     7621 | dave@cridland.net
  1.03% |    1 |  0.66% |     7494 | chair@ietf.org
  1.03% |    1 |  0.66% |     7468 | ned+ietf@mauve.mrochek.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.65% |     7440 | petithug@acm.org
  1.03% |    1 |  0.58% |     6638 | presnick@qti.qualcomm.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.57% |     6424 | smb@cs.columbia.edu
  1.03% |    1 |  0.56% |     6352 | fernando@gont.com.ar
  1.03% |    1 |  0.56% |     6330 | huubatwork@gmail.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.55% |     6270 | derhoermi@gmx.net
  1.03% |    1 |  0.54% |     6122 | cntreras@gmail.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.53% |     5993 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.50% |     5641 | warren@kumari.net
  1.03% |    1 |  0.49% |     5612 | john@jck.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.48% |     5505 | mrex@sap.com
  1.03% |    1 |  0.47% |     5304 | mcr@sandelman.ca
  1.03% |    1 |  0.46% |     5220 | iad@ietf.org
  1.03% |    1 |  0.41% |     4702 | bygg@cafax.se
100.00% |   97 |100.00% |  1136551 | Total