Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 07 March 2014 05:53 UTC

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From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 00:53:01 -0500
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Total of 129 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Mar  7 00:53:01 EST 2014
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
  7.75% |   10 | 10.58% |   117132 | abdussalambaryun@gmail.com
  6.98% |    9 |  5.18% |    57359 | ted.lemon@nominum.com
  6.20% |    8 |  5.38% |    59515 | l.wood@surrey.ac.uk
  4.65% |    6 |  4.68% |    51862 | superuser@gmail.com
  2.33% |    3 |  6.36% |    70394 | jgunn6@csc.com
  2.33% |    3 |  6.24% |    69103 | wesley.george@twcable.com
  4.65% |    6 |  3.49% |    38611 | dhc@dcrocker.net
  3.88% |    5 |  3.14% |    34811 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  1.55% |    2 |  5.33% |    59024 | adrian@olddog.co.uk
  3.10% |    4 |  2.91% |    32211 | narten@us.ibm.com
  3.10% |    4 |  2.29% |    25345 | johnl@taugh.com
  3.10% |    4 |  2.07% |    22918 | jari.arkko@piuha.net
  3.10% |    4 |  1.87% |    20706 | randy@psg.com
  2.33% |    3 |  1.58% |    17462 | chair@ietf.org
  2.33% |    3 |  1.44% |    15948 | iab-chair@iab.org
  1.55% |    2 |  1.77% |    19591 | hallam@gmail.com
  1.55% |    2 |  1.70% |    18834 | chaitanyabd@gmail.com
  1.55% |    2 |  1.43% |    15877 | sm+ietf@elandsys.com
  1.55% |    2 |  1.27% |    14042 | spencerdawkins.ietf@gmail.com
  1.55% |    2 |  1.21% |    13406 | barryleiba@computer.org
  1.55% |    2 |  1.09% |    12069 | derhoermi@gmx.net
  0.78% |    1 |  1.30% |    14398 | lear@cisco.com
  0.78% |    1 |  1.14% |    12635 | leaf.yeh.sdo@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.98% |    10866 | presnick@qti.qualcomm.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.97% |    10710 | tbray@textuality.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.92% |    10163 | dave@cridland.net
  0.78% |    1 |  0.83% |     9225 | andrea@digitalpolicy.it
  0.78% |    1 |  0.83% |     9201 | serrhini@mail.ru
  0.78% |    1 |  0.78% |     8650 | tony@att.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.77% |     8542 | framefritti@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.76% |     8460 | joelja@bogus.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.76% |     8434 | ned+ietf@mauve.mrochek.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.75% |     8290 | fred@cisco.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.74% |     8207 | jmpolk@cisco.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.74% |     8171 | doug.mtview@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.71% |     7901 | stbryant@cisco.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.71% |     7886 | hsantos@isdg.net
  0.78% |    1 |  0.71% |     7877 | cja@daydream.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.69% |     7675 | sm@resistor.net
  0.78% |    1 |  0.65% |     7172 | tom.taylor.stds@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.65% |     7166 | paul@paulgrosso.name
  0.78% |    1 |  0.64% |     7041 | juliao@braga.eti.br
  0.78% |    1 |  0.62% |     6842 | rdroms.ietf@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.61% |     6791 | john-ietf@jck.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.61% |     6785 | peter@akayla.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.61% |     6770 | scott.brim@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.61% |     6714 | mansaxel@besserwisser.org
  0.78% |    1 |  0.61% |     6703 | kathleen.moriarty.ietf@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.59% |     6501 | suzworldwide@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.59% |     6493 | mundy@tislabs.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.58% |     6417 | tytso@mit.edu
  0.78% |    1 |  0.58% |     6381 | gih@apnic.net
  0.78% |    1 |  0.56% |     6155 | warren@kumari.net
  0.78% |    1 |  0.53% |     5873 | touch@isi.edu
  0.78% |    1 |  0.53% |     5838 | melinda.shore@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.52% |     5708 | jeff.hodges@kingsmountain.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.51% |     5648 | rgm@labs.htt-consult.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.49% |     5442 | ajs@anvilwalrusden.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.49% |     5383 | finlayson@live555.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.48% |     5265 | braden@isi.edu
  0.78% |    1 |  0.47% |     5153 | rigo@w3.org
  0.78% |    1 |  0.46% |     5133 | worley@ariadne.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.46% |     5131 | cos@aaaaa.org
  0.78% |    1 |  0.45% |     4989 | rw@firstpr.com.au
100.00% |  129 |100.00% |  1107005 | Total