Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 22 February 2013 05:53 UTC

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From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 00:53:02 -0500
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  6.67% |    4 |  6.60% |    31766 | rpelletier@isoc.org
  6.67% |    4 |  4.86% |    23392 | touch@isi.edu
  6.67% |    4 |  4.14% |    19919 | paf@frobbit.se
  5.00% |    3 |  4.17% |    20050 | abdussalambaryun@gmail.com
  5.00% |    3 |  4.09% |    19692 | john-ietf@jck.com
  3.33% |    2 |  4.57% |    22005 | hallam@gmail.com
  3.33% |    2 |  3.17% |    15244 | moore@network-heretics.com
  3.33% |    2 |  3.06% |    14749 | sm@resistor.net
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  3.33% |    2 |  2.68% |    12916 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
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  1.67% |    1 |  2.79% |    13424 | hsantos@isdg.net
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  1.67% |    1 |  1.99% |     9580 | benl@google.com
  1.67% |    1 |  1.93% |     9300 | tterribe@xiph.org
  1.67% |    1 |  1.85% |     8902 | narten@us.ibm.com
  1.67% |    1 |  1.74% |     8375 | marka@isc.org
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  1.67% |    1 |  1.35% |     6504 | dhc@dcrocker.net
  1.67% |    1 |  1.29% |     6226 | paul.hoffman@vpnc.org
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  1.67% |    1 |  1.21% |     5822 | lars@netapp.com
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  1.67% |    1 |  1.02% |     4924 | internet-drafts@ietf.org
100.00% |   60 |100.00% |   481363 | Total