Re: [Recentattendees] IETF 100, Singapore -- proposed path forward and request for input

Jari Arkko <> Mon, 23 May 2016 15:16 UTC

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Subject: Re: [Recentattendees] IETF 100, Singapore -- proposed path forward and request for input
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Thanks all for this discussions — keep it coming. I wanted to say that we from the IAOC are listening actively, even if we haven’t posted much. Your thoughts will inform us on what to decide.

I did have a couple of points to make at this stage, however. The first one is that really, it is the community opinion that ultimately counts. It will probably take some time, but completing Fred’s document is important and will tell us the *community’s* opinion on things that have been discussed in this thread among others.

And obviously we all care a lot about making sure everyone is included and everyone’s safety is guaranteed and everyone’s ability to join the meetings is maximised. I do want to remind everyone that these things cover a fair number of different issues, all of which are legitimate. Of course, there are some issues that are more important than others, such as ability to enter and safety. There are also issues that people have difficulty or unwillingness to bring up. Hence it is important we try to understand the full picture, and learn, as the IAOC certainly is trying to do albeit perhaps slowly :-) I believe we are getting a lot of good information by crowdsourcing finding the issues. As you know, the IAOC is now providing early information about where we might be going.

Also, wanted to note that one thing that I find personally difficult is that the situation related to any particular issue is rarely binary. And the issues are timing dependent as well. Changes in visa and other policies, disease situations etc.
